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1. Accomplishments in Yoga Fields ?
1. Classes you have conducted hours of education you have personally imparted hours of teaching Yoga your organization has imparted
2. Since 2008 I started teaching Yoga, in the beginning of 2008 I did not have a degree, was teaching just out of my practice. Than in 2009 got a degree, from Kaivalyadhama and started teaching in accomplishments in the fields of Yoga.
Three days one batch other three days another batch and Saturday and Sunday for people who are design business traveling.
2. Students you have taught ?
In personal classes from 2009-2015 taught about 250-280 people in all those years as three days in a week one batch goes.
3. For how many months / hours you have had training meaning you went and learnt from someone else/institution ?
Since 2009, after getting a degree from kaivalyadhama (Lonavala), I have been travelling every year till 2017 to goa, mysore, Rishikesh to learn ashtanga Yoga, hatha Yoga, lyengar Yoga, taichi, Kundalini Yoga, acro Yoga…. Apart from this have been to Shivananda Ashram, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ashram, (Banglore) Aurbindo Ashram (Pundichery), Osho Ashram (Pune), Isha Yoga (Comibtore) Dharma Mitra Yoga
(Newyork) have also attended classes at Colorado, texas, singapore, dubai, Bali, Srilanka, Australia, Melbourne, Cairins, Sydney, Thailand. Its like wherever I travel I have to take a Yoga class.
4. What drives you to learn and teach Yoga ?
Our Indian traditional Yoga which was found by sage patanjali, is “Dying” from “Yog” now its “Yoga” and the way yoga has changed to power Yoga, hot Yoga, water Yoga, aerial Yoga and so many other Yoga kinds the real “Yog” as per the patanjali’s Yoga sutras and its principles is almost dead.
Very few teachers, are there all over the world who teach the traditional Yog and I am one of them. I have been practicing and teaching our traditional Yog and I am on a mission to bring back the real “Yog” to people no matter how many births I have to take. This drives me to teach Yoga and I have to practice it first if I want to spread it to other people.
5. story about yourself what drove you to first start leaning Yoga. What was your inspiration to start learning. What did you do to learn Yoga ?
What difficulties you faced ? How did you are come there ?
Story About myself what drove me to first start learning Yoga.
My Own sufferings, frustrations, Negativity, complains from life, weight, issues, unhappiness, confused, all those things drove me to start learning Yoga.
I had twins daughters and was overweight to about 8 kg so ! used to do Jogging, aerobics, weights, to lose weight. But after 2 years I had a severe varicose veins pain and knee pain, so doctors advised me to stop doing those things. Those days in Rajpath club where I used to go for exercise Yoga was also been taught, which I never went as thought Yoga is for old people. But as left out with no other way to loose weight I started Yoga. One of the elderly female coming to club advised me to start Yoga, so thought of just going once. I wont to the class of Yoga, and an first day only my Yoga teacher at the end of class, made us do natrajasana, Vrukshasana and I kept on falling in this was not able to hold for also few seconds and felt so challenging that from tomorrow I will surely hold the asana for longer time.
Thus I started Yoga and from once a week, than I started attending Yoga class everyday and after about 20 days, I felt so much more stable in asana and in my life also I slept so well after my Yoga class. My Anxiety, Negativity got less and thus my Journey of Yoga started.
5 A. What was your inspiration to start learning ?
My own self realization, self mastery and self control was my biggest inspiration to start learning.
After regular Yoga class I started my own personal practice at 4:00 am everyday with my teacher, as that was the only time in morning my teacher was free, rest of the time he was busy. That 4:00 am meditation changed my entire life slowly and gradually stopped all those things, that would disturb me in my practice of Yoga Meditation. I as a mother of three children was very angry, upset, and frustrated. But my regular Yoga completely changed me over years. I stopped going out for late night movies, late coffees with friends, stopped nor vegetarian, was more stable and positive towards life.
I started my 1st meditation with my teacher in 2006 after 3 years of 4 am meditation, I wanted to learn the theory of Yoga and patanjali’s Yoga sutra’s and all other Yogic texts. So I decided to go to kaivalyadhama at Lonavala as my teacher had studied there so he advised me to do that But, having three children and my son was in 9th grade, his board was in next year, so all the family members were against my decision to go. If I want to study than I had to stay there and learn it’s a residential course.
Inspite of all the odds, I went to kaivalyadhama. I called my parents to stay over at my home and they agreed I went to kaivalyadhama. I still remember, the moment is stepped in the institute, I had a feeling that I had come here earlier, I know this place, I have many times in my meditation hazily have seen this place and had also seen swami Kuvalyanandji who was the fonder of kaivalyadhama. At that time in my meditation I always used to wonder that who that person is in white clothes, but never knew as it was a hazy picture, but the moment I saw swamijis photo I knew he was the same Person. I worked very hard in kaivalyadhama, first time in my life, I felt as if I really wanted to study not by force, or to make anyone else happy but I loved to study the Yogic scriptures the deep meanings it revealed. I never used to talk with any one in kaivalyadhama, had no friends the only thing my mind was thinking was about the things, secrets written in the Yoga texts. I decided on that day only that this treasure of Yoga, I will not only just study but will spread it to all the community. I still remember vividly those 4 am meditations even at kaivalyadhama, sometimes I used to cry, sometimes smile, sometimes felt angry sometimes so negative I guess those are the phases of meditation. I have witnessed very bad phases of meditation, in which I used to see blood, death, skulls, …. of people. Those days were worst but I never stopped my 4:00 am meditation till date I do it. I got the best of grades in Kaivalyadhama, took blessings of all my teachers, came back started teaching Yoga. At that time, my husband & Parents were again against my teaching as they thought its not for good family girls who teaches Yoga. But I wanted people to know what real Yoga is, how it changes your life, so I started with personal classes. And I started with Rs.5000 as my 1st class fees which went upto 1 ½ lacs rupees till 2015. my parents and family was proud of me and they also started doing Yoga. All the odds of my life went away. I travelled a lot, as my parents permanently came and stayed with me. I went to do my masters in Yoga, went to do my ph.d. from Vyasa University in Banglore but again it was residential. I also stayed for three months, but I felt that the teachers were not the way I expected so I come back to my home. I still remember I never had to go and search for people to teach Yoga, they called me on there own, I felt as if its shiva who is sending then. I used to drive about 10 hours everyday teaching people doing classes. All the top most business people of Ahmedabad I have been to there homes like adani, zydus, cadilla, ganesh housing, shanti business, ….. so many others. I earned a lot of money & spent all those in my travels of Yoga, books, Cds I was very passionate of learning new styles and reading & teaching them.
In 2015, one day as I was meditating in the morning my inner soul asked me that are you really spreading the knowledge of Yoga to people of just earning money. I thought deeply for days
about that. I was very dedicated teacher people were happy but deep inside I felt as if I was losing my happiness. I got less time to practice read study, spend with my family. Those days my husbands father and foi were staying with us as they were very sick and I used to think that, one day I will also die like them and what exactly will I be achieving till that time.
After so many days again one day in my meditation answer came that I cannot do this 10 hours of driving everyday and going to peoples home to teach yoga and just to earn lot of money. I want my practice to be stronger, I want to still go deeper in my own sadhana, so I left my all personal classes. I rented big hall nereby at Rs.25,000/- per month on rent & started teaching in groups. In just a month my batches was packed so the lady who rented me the place, said to increase the rent Rs.2000 more or vacant the place in just two days. I cried to her that how can I vacant the place in two days, where will my 45 students go to whom I was teaching god has always helped me, so my husband said he has his terrace empty in his hospital where I can teach so I built the entire structure started teaching there, it was not planned just happened again I started taking couple of batches at my studio. But gradually I realized that my family, my kids are more fun makes me more happy than just teaching. So I appointed teachers & just started taking one batch. I spent more time with family, my kids & thought that they grew so big and maybe in running around for more money, I missed the fun a company of my husband & kids so I then decided to do all the things I can do for my family
Spend more time with then and in a course of few months, I felt so peaceful & happy from inside. I started learning Music, dance, paintings, which I wanted to do since I was a kid but never learnt there.
Yoga gave a self realization to me, that how life is so beautiful, happy, Yoga taught me to give a lot rather than to take. So today I give more and in returned god who gave me all the time I needed to practice, to meditate, learn music, sing bhajans, I Feel I need to give this back to society the life changing miracles Yoga has given me. Yoga for me has given a new birth to my own existence. Like the baby in the mother’s womb gets the nourishment from her, same way yoga has nurtured me nourished my soul.
5 B. What difficulties you faced ? How did you over come them ?
I used to have phases of life when I meditated few days I am very happy, other days very sad confused angry. I also had a bad spine injury, ligament tears, as an result of over practice of Yoga. Yoga is like an addiction for me, if I donot practice I feel restless and do not, feel peaceful inside.
I over comed all those injuries just by my meditation no medicines I have ever took inspire of doctors telling me to take it for better recovery. I had a complete faith, trust & hope in Yoga I came through nicely. I learnt to be more patient in my life after those injuries.
Its like god takes your exam sometimes by giving you pain and injuries. God wants to make sure, that even if you have pain and bad phases do you still are stable and trust him or you give away hope stop everything.
6 What is the most non material thing you value about teaching Yoga.
Patience and faith. I have surrendered my this all past lives to shiva, and with patience & faith I know I will accomplish my mission to spread yog all over the world to expect a lot of things from life and people.
At this stage of my life, my all three kids are away studying, its just me and my husband, who’s a doctor keeping quite busy. I am all alone whole day at home, but I never had felt alone or sad or depressed. I think of it as a blessing from god who gave me all the time I needed to practice, meditate, learn music, sing bhajans, I feel I need to give this back to society the life changing miracles.
Everytime I pass by the streets of my Country and watch people sleeping on the streets, I can feel there pain, worries and problems & everytime I pray to god to give me strength & Power that noone in my country sleeps hungry, rights now I contribute 10% of what I earn goes to charity since last 6 years, I personally go and give away things to poor people what they need, but those who are left behind for them i feel so helpless, and so bad that I cant help all of them. I wish to earn a lot of money and give it away to my country people , I guess I owe that much to my country India good Blesses me.